REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/returns/deleteReturn operation. … HTTP Request DELETE api/commerce/returns/{returnId} Request Body No request body for this action. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/returns/restock/conditions operation. … HTTP Request GET api/commerce/returns/restock/conditions Request Body Use context.request.body to read … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/returns/{returnId}/packages? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/returns/packages/createPackage operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/returns/{returnId}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/returns/updateReturn operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/shipping/GetRates operation … HTTP Request POST api/commerce/catalog/storefront/shipping/request-rates%3fresponseFields%3d%7bresponseFields … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/returns/{returnId}/shipments Request Body Use context.request.body to … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/returns/shipments/createPackageShipments operation … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/catalog/storefront/products/? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/products/GetProducts operation … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/catalog/storefront/pricelists/resolved? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/pricelists/GetResolvedPriceList … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/catalog/storefront/productsearch/search/? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/productsearch/Search operation … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/catalog/storefront/products/{productCode}/validate? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/products/ValidateProduct … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/catalog/storefront/products/{productCode}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/products/ConfiguredProduct … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request DELETE api/commerce/returns/{orderId}/items/{orderItemId}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/returns/deleteOrderItem operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/catalog/storefront/products/{productCode}/configure? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/products/ConfiguredProduct … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/catalog/admin/categories/{categoryId}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/admin/categories/UpdateCategory operation … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/catalog/storefront/pricelists/resolved? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the commerce/catalog/storefront/pricelists/GetResolvedPriceList … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/customer/accounts/Add-Account-And-Login? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/addAccountAndLogin operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/customer/credits/{code}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/updateCredit operation … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request POST api/commerce/customer/accounts/? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/addAccount operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request PUT api/commerce/customer/accounts/{accountId}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/updateAccount operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).
HTTP Request GET api/commerce/customer/credits/{code}? … REST API Operation This action corresponds to the api/commerce/customer/credits/getCredit operation. … the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).