June 2, 2021 — 1.2120 Service Update

Production Tenant Features

eCommerce & Order Management Functionality

  • File Manager: The existing file manager at Main > Site Builder > Files has been updated with a new UI and additional functionality, improving organization and management of images and other files for the storefront at the master catalog level. Uploaded files can be arranged into folders within the tree hierarchy and various actions can be performed on them, including adding tags. See the File Manager user guide for more information about how to view custom item data.
  • Item Identifier Validation: Additional validation has been added to the new Item Identifier feature when fulfiller users are required to provide it. This validation will check serial numbers and PINs to make sure that the user is not setting a value of null or a blank space to avoid inputting the actual data. The fields can accept other alphanumeric values, including special characters.
  • Item Identifiers in Returns: If item identifiers were set for an item, then that information is now displayed as a tool-tip on that line item when creating and processing returns in the Fulfiller UI. This makes it easier for fulfiller user to reference item information when needed for handling return cases.
  • View Fulfilled Custom Data: Custom item data can now be viewed on shipments in the Admin UI that have been fulfilled. Previously, viewing item data was not an option for fulfilled shipments though it was allowed on those in other states. The option to view item data after fulfillment enables users to review and reference all of the item information at any point if needed. See the Orders UI guide for more information about how to view custom item data.

Translated OMS Functionality

  • Event Notification Updates: The translated Order Management APIs for upgraded clients have been updated with improved event notification processes to prevent duplicate notifications from being sent on occasions where they may be triggered. The system will check to determine whether the notification has already been sent, and if so then it will not be delivered. This should reduce problems in the future for implementations that rely on certain notifications being sent only once.
  • Transfer Received Notification Updates: A new Transfer Received event is now supported for the Stock Validated and Accept Transfer notifications in upgraded implementations that use translated APIs and notifications. Previously, if multiple transfer shipments were being received then no events or notifications would be triggered until the last shipment was received. With the new event process, notifications will be triggered for every received transfer. The notification will be Accept Transfer if the previous step was Wait For Transfer, otherwise it will be Stock Validated.
  • Order Status Updates: The translated Search Order and Search Shipment APIs have been updated to represent order statuses in an improved hierarchy, matching existing behavior in other areas of KCCP. Order statuses will now be determined in the following priorities: Payment Hold (order is flagged for Pending Review), Payment Error (payment status is flagged as Errored regardless of any other order or fulfillment status), Backorder (at least one shipment is in Backorder), Customer Care (at least one shipment is in Customer Care), Ready (at least one shipment is still ready), Fulfilled (all non-canceled shipments are fulfilled), and Canceled (order status is canceled).

Personalized Search Functionality

  • Search Settings Tooltips: A couple tooltips have been added to the personalized search settings, providing explanations of the Factor and Max Edits configurations on hover.
  • Typo Tolerance Permissions: The Typo Tolerance configurations in the personalized search settings have been updated to be disabled for users with the Search Merchandiser role, as that role does not have permissions to make any changes to these settings. Previously, a Search Merchandiser was able to view the configurations as editable fields and attempt changes but experienced a permissions error upon clicking Save. Now, the fields are deactivated so that they are not editable to the Search Merchandiser in the first place to reduce confusion.

Production Sandbox Features

eCommerce & Order Management Functionality

  • Order Cancellation: When all shipments are cancelled from an order (whether from the Admin or Fulfiller UI), the entire order is now automatically cancelled as well. Previously, admins or customer service representatives would have to manually cancel an order in the Admin UI if all shipments were cancelled, which was inconvenient and required them to void or credit payments as well. The automatic cancellation will now handle voiding all authorized payments and crediting any captured payments.
    If there is a failure in these processes and the order is unable to finish cancelling, then an email notification will be triggered and the order will need to be manually cancelled. This email can be enabled/disabled in the general site settings as “Cancel Order Failure” in the email options and is enabled by default.
    Additionally, this functionality works in the reverse case where an order is cancelled first from the Admin UI. If a CSR cancels an order, then there is now a confirmation message that will indicate “Cancelling this order will credit and/or void all payments and cancel all shipments.”
  • File Manager Update: In addition to the new File Manager functionality being released to production, two more updates are being released to sandbox. These updates allow the Move action to change a folder’s location along with all of its files and subfolders, as well as the Advanced Filter option to search files by their image tag. See the user guide for more information.
  • Inventory Levels in Packing Slips: Additional inventory counts can now be listed on packing slips, including the StockOnHand, StockAvailable, StockAllocated, StockOnBackorder, SafetyStock. Ltd, and Floor levels. The current location’s inventory counts are retrieved at the time of the slip generation and added to the packing slip where that inventory information has been included in the Hypr template (for instance, as model.Items[0].stockOnHand).
  • Item Identifier Tooltips: Additional tooltips to display item identifiers have been added to fulfillment steps following stock validation. Hovering over the product name in steps such as Waiting for Transfer and Prepare for Customer in all applicable shipment types will now reveal a tooltip that displays the item identifier as set by the fulfiller.
  • Inventory Tags Tooltip: A tooltip has been added to the inventory tags section of the settings in the Inventory UI, explaining that tags cannot be disabled once enabled and advising the user to add at least one tag. See the inventory documentation for more information.
  • Custom SAP Workflow: A custom BPM and fulfillment flow has been created to support STH and Transfer order fulfillment with a SAP system. In these workflows, STH steps will be New Order, Transmitted to SAP, and Fulfilled. Transfer steps will be New Order, Transmitted to SAP, Shipped, and Received. This allows admins and customer service representatives to know when an order has been downloaded to their SAP system, as cancelling the order at this point will require it to be cancelled in both Kibo’s Order Admin and SAP. These steps are only processed via API and are not available in the Fulfiller UI.

B2B Functionality

  • Third Party Payments: Support for third party payments when turning B2B quotes into orders has now been extended to include Apple Pay and Pay With Amazon. When a B2B buyer turns a quote into an order and goes to checkout, they are now able to select Apple and Amazon integrations for their payment methods. They are not allowed to change the shipping address, method, or other information restricted to buyers.
  • Submit Quote Changes Update: The Submit Changes button on the Edit Quote page for sellers has been updated to say “Approve Quote with Changes” when the seller makes edits to a pending quote. This makes it clearer to the seller that they will be finalizing the quote with the changes that they applied to it. See the B2B documentation for more information about this feature.

Translated OMS Functionality

  • GET Inventory Job Queue: The GET request to retrieve inventory job queues at …/api/v1/queue is now supported by the translation layer between KCCP and the previous version of OMS, allowing upgraded clients who are using translated APIs to continue making their existing requests to this API. See the translated API documentation for more information.
  • Channel in Order APIs: Searching for orders in the translated APIs based on an external customer number is now better supported in KCCP. KCCP order attributes can now store the externalCustomerID key with the client’s designated channel field as a text value, allowing a search to filter the GET Order API results by channel. See the Order Attributes documentation for more context, but note that this is a process for a particular implementation so refer to your Kibo project team if you need this functionality.

Bug Fixes

The following list summarizes resolved issues for this release.

Targeted for Production TenantsThe primary category was unable to be set for a product in its Categories configurations until the product page was reloaded. This has been fixed so that a product’s primary category can be easily selected and saved without having to refresh the page.
Targeted for Production TenantsKCCP transactional logs were being generated for XML with incorrect elements that did not match the XSD schema as expected, such as the wrong names for data and externalOrderId fields, a reasonCode that was not alphanumeric, and inconsistent dateTime fields. This has been corrected so that the Sales, Credit, Transfer, Returns, and Cancels Tlogs all return data that matches the schema.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe Apple Pay subtotal did not reflect the discounted price of the order during checkout, resulting in a mismatch between the cart total and the Apple Pay pop-up. This has been fixed so that the subtotal is properly calculated and matches the cart information when paying for an order with Apple Pay on iOS.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe template for the Transfer Created By Fulfiller email in the Site Builder editor was not being displayed, instead returning a 404 Page Not Found error due to a broken link. This link has been updated so that the proper email content will be successfully displayed in the editor.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe format of the shipDate field in transactional logs was occasionally inconsistent, as the logs used a timestamp format that included spaces. This has been corrected so that logs always use the correct format without spacing.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe Sales transactional log did not include transactions of the type Capture or AuthAndCapture. The log has been updated to report these transactions.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe Save and Cancel buttons for personalized search settings did not reset after the user reset the forms – they remained active even if there were no longer any new changes to the form. This has been fixed so that these buttons are deactivated if there are not any configuration changes to save or discard.
Targeted for Production SandboxesShipping and billing names were missing from transactional logs in some circumstances. This has been fixed so that these names are properly reported across all log types.
Targeted for Production SandboxesOrders could fail and be rejected if the site settings were experiencing errors at the time. The order queueing logic has been improved to be resilient against these site settings failures, allowing valid orders to be accepted.
Targeted for Production SandboxesTurning on automatic payment capture caused imported orders from a previous version of OMS to send refund requests for out-of-balance payments they had, though they were not supposed to be credited. This has been changed so that this setting does not attempt to process these legacy OMS orders.
Targeted for Production SandboxesSeveral more email templates in the Site Builder editor were unable to be displayed and instead responded with errors, including the emails for returns, backorders, and curbside. This was due to errors with the mock data used for previewing templates. This has been corrected so that all templates can be successfully viewed.
Targeted for Production SandboxesThe last row of the table in the Location Groups page was hidden behind the pagination icons, making that group appear to be missing from the table. This has been fixed so that all location group entries can be properly viewed.
Targeted for Production SandboxesThe browser auto suggestion box when picking a user for a B2B account’s sales representative overlapped the user selection list, making the selection process difficult with no way to close the auto suggestions. This has been fixed so that this selection menu does not display the browser’s suggestions.
Targeted for Production SandboxesWhen a transfer shipment or items on a transfer were cancelled, an email was triggered and delivered to the customer. This has been fixed so that transfer cancellation emails are not sent to the customer, as shoppers are not involved in the transfer process while waiting for their BOPIS orders.
Targeted for Production SandboxesThe button to “Cancel Item(s) Off This Shipment” was not working correctly for transfer shipments – the entire shipment would be cancelled instead of selected items, and upon cancellation the parent shipment was moved to Customer Care which was not correct behavior for the transfer process. Both of these issues have been fixed so that items can be successfully cancelled off of transfer shipments as intended for the workflow.
Targeted for Production SandboxesItem identifier validation is no longer enforced for items that are out of stock, while validation is enforced for items that are in stock. If an item is not available, then the fulfiller user no longer needs to input identifier information like they are required to for in stock items.
Targeted for Production SandboxesAll orders in Curbside-Only implementations were automatically being sent into Customer Care, preventing them from being fulfilled in the FFUI. This was due to a recent change to the “allow fulfillment without stock on hand” setting intended for Curbside+OMS users, which did not account for Curbside-Only tenants that do not track inventory. This has been fixed so that Curbside-Only tenants’ orders will be placed into the proper Ready state upon creation instead of Customer Care.
Targeted for Production SandboxesSome orders’ partNumber and SKU values were missing from translated transaction logs, even though these values were provided in the initial Import Order API request. This was due to these identifiers being nulled out when a BOPIS location did not have an inventory record, as these values were intended to be referenced against the inventory information. Now, when this situation is encountered then the system will fall back to referencing the partNumber and SKU values from the original order import.