July 11, 2023 — 1.2326 Service Update

Announcement: Additional 1.2327 Release

A small off-cycle release is being added to sandbox alongside Version 1.2326 on Wednesday, July 19. This update provides improved Fulfiller support for the Shipping Extensibility feature.

Production Tenant Features


  • Import/Export Search Term Redirects: You can now import and export CSV files to update search term redirects if you have the Import/Export V3 application installed.
  • Dynamic MinMatch Settings: When setting MinMatch in the Search Settings, the values must be added in descending order and will display an error otherwise. This behavior has been updated so that the fields will dynamically re-order themselves highest to lowest as you add them and make this process easier. 


  • External Subscription ID Column: The External ID is now possible to be displayed as a column on the Subscriptions page. This column is not displayed by default, but can be toggled on by expanding the options in the top right of the table. 
  • Order History Update: Pending and Abandoned orders are no longer displayed in a subscription's order history.
  • Custom Frequencies: You can now enter new values in the Subscription Frequency attribute, allowing you to create your own custom subscription frequencies where previously only out-of-the-box frequencies were supported without additional development effort.
  • Subscription Attributes: When creating order attributes, you can now specify whether an attribute applies to Order Only, Subscription Only, or Order and Subscription. The latter two settings will pass the attribute to subscription details and allow you to edit it at the subscription level. If nothing is selected, then the attribute will be treated as Order Only and will not be visible on subscriptions. See the Order Attributes and Configure Subscriptions documentation for more details about this behavior.

Production Bug Fixes

CommerceThe storefront inventory levels were not reflected correctly for bundled products. This prevented the product from being selected for Ship to Home fulfillment when the default ship location was out of inventory, even though the product was available at other locations. This has been corrected so that the aggregate stock is looked at for bundled products instead of only an individual location.
CommerceAttempting to update product rules did not result in the edit being saved, so changing any rules requiring deleting and recreating them.
FulfillmentThe Counts by Step (or Get Workflow Task Counts) API was returning incorrect results, which caused inaccurate bucket counts on the FFUI Dashboard. This has been fixed so that this API returns the expected counts, and there is no longer a discrepancy between dashboard bucket values and shipment search results.
FulfillmentThe Fulfiller UI's return process displayed the USD currency symbol instead of the expected symbol when localized to another currency. This has been corrected so that the applicable symbol will be displayed based on the currency code being used for the return.
FulfillmentCreating a Ship to Home Consolidation shipment with at least one transfer resulted in the Transfer Shipments tab not being displayed as expected, as well as the Waiting For Transfer step not being displayed on the parent shipment. This has been fixed so that STH-C shipments can be successfully used with transfers as expected.
OrdersAfter clicking Add Items to Order when viewing an anonymous shopper's cart, the order would not be updated with new items as expected. This has been fixed so that you can successfully add items to an anonymous shopper's cart.
SearchThe Upload Suggest File button in the Search Schema did not work correctly, as the UI did not pass the Site ID context (as the x-vol-site header). This has been fixed so that uploading a suggest file will apply it to all sites with the selected locale within the master catalog.

Restricted Content

Internal Production Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • TECR-134: API rate limits have been removed from the home page of the Dev Center.
  • CHAR-4826: The GET Get Inventory call has officially been deprecated in favor of the POST Get Inventory call. This was previously removed from the API documentation and no known clients were using it.
  • CHAR-4602: Retry behavior has been added to transactional logs in cases where there is a failure uploading a generated Tlog. The process will sleep for one minute after the failure and then retry, to reduce errors with socket connection exceptions.
  • CAT-3106: The discount sproc has been updated for better optimization and caching, preventing performance issues for the entire pod that were previously experienced.
  • FFMT-3909 and TECR-143: The Google Tag Manager has been added to the Fulfiller and Returns UIs, Site Builder Admin, and Dev Center.

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • Incorrect Storefront Inventory for Bundles: COM-7573 (reported by Ignitiv)
  • Checkout Link Redirecting to Storefront: COM-7518 (reported by Boscov's) 
  • Cannot Add Items to Anonymous Cart: COM-7518 (reported by Boscov's)
  • Incorrect API Counts: FFMT-3738
  • Fulfiller Returns Not Localized: FFMT-3792
  • STH-C Not Displaying Transfers: FFMT-3860
  • Cannot Save Product Rules: COM-7445 (reported by Brother Canada)
  • Suggest File Missing Site ID: CAT-3064

Production Sandbox Features


  • Change Product Type: You can now change product types through the Quick Edit tool, following a similar process as to the existing actions like Upgrade Attributes. You will be able to select one or more products from a particular catalog and update their product type (as long as the new type is within the same usage).


  • Resend Shipment Emails: Fulfiller users can now resend Shipment Fulfilled and Shipment Cancelled emails when viewing the shipment details in the FFUI, as long as those emails are enabled in the Admin general settings and the shipment is in the appropriate Fulfilled or Cancelled status. The ability to resend these shipment emails from the Admin UI is not yet implemented.


  • Order Permissions Update: As a follow-up to the recent order permissions update that introduced the RestrictEdit and RestrictCancellation order flags, some adjustments have been made to how these restrictions interact. If RestrictEdit is true, then an Admin user will still be able to create/initiate and process returns from the order. However, they will not be able to cancel individual line items regardless of the RestrictCancellation flag status since shipment-level edits are restricted. If RestrictEdit is false and RestrictCancellation is true, then they will be able to cancel line items since shipment-level edits are not restricted.


  • Failed Subscription Status: A new status, Failed, has been added to the subscription workflow. A subscription will be marked as Failed when an attempt to create a new continuity order is unsuccessful after a retry time of several hours. When this happens, the Next Order Date will not be updated. The ability to pause the subscription will also be disabled and further continuity orders will not be attempted during the Failed state, but if an order is placed successfully (such as through the Order Now action) then the subscription will return to the Active status as normal.
  • Customer Subscriptions Search: When viewing subscriptions in customer details, you can now use the search bar above the table to search by the External Subscription ID or Subscription Number. This is not case-sensitive and will filter the table for any matching subscriptions from that particular customer.

Sandbox Bug Fixes

CatalogLoading the File Manager with a large number of product images resulted in the tool timing out. Optimizations have been done to improve indexing and better support catalogs with over a million images without timing out the File Manager.
CatalogThe File Manager was not returning images correctly when attempting to access them by file name instead of ID. This has now been fixed to return images properly when viewing by their file name and path.
CatalogRetrieving a specific coupon code from a coupon set via API resulted in duplicate responses, even when the coupon code was not in the set being searched. This has been corrected so that the API will properly return successful responses with only the code and set being searched for, as well as appropriate errors if the code is not in the intended set.
CommerceAn order was marked as Paid even though its purchase order payment capture actually failed, resulting in the order being stuck and unable to be captured again or fulfilled. This has been fixed so that orders will not be erroneously marked as Paid in these cases.
CommerceWhile processing a particular return, the Amount Requested increased by one cent after the item was received by Kibo. This was due to a rounding issue which has now been corrected to ensure that the Amount Requested stays consistent during the return process.
FulfillerSome shipments were no longer searchable in the Fulfiller UI nor appearing in the shipments tab of the order details, due to issues with the "?filter=" syntax behavior. This has been corrected so that all shipments are now properly displayed in the FFUI and Order Admin.
Order RoutingOrder Routing was no longer splitting orders as expected for a particular implementation because the orders were going to Customer Care in full instead. This was due to an error that occurred when there was no failover action on a group for a partial match, which interrupted the location filtering for a split. This has been fixed so that splitting can be successfully completed.
SubscriptionsAttempting to apply a certain subscription discount resulted in an error message saying that the order ordinal was null. This has been fixed so that the ordinal is properly passed to the pricing service and discounts can be applied successfully.
User ManagementSome user roles with Site Editor permissions were unable to view the Site Editor's page navigation menu or drag and drop widgets after the 1.2322 release. This has been corrected so that appropriate users will be able to interact with the Site Editor as expected.

Restricted Content

Internal Sandbox Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • TECR-1115: HP routes are now allowed through the T1123-S234 host names, to better support SDKs and docs.
  • TECR-161: Dev Center email templates have been updated to match new formatting from marketing.
  • FFMT-3777: The Fulfiller UI has been upgraded to Angular V8.
  • CAT-3178: When a product bundle has two components, then performing the Get Product call on the bundle will now return "true" in the isSubstitutionable property.
  • CAT-3103: The File Manager has been migrated to a new back-end endpoint to improve performance and error handling. This has no visible effect on clients interacting with the File Manager UI or the API.
  • CAT-3169: An empty array of sortfields has been added where there previously weren't any in the SortDefinition for merchandizing rule migration, because the UI experienced issues with missing arrays. This is intended to be better optimized at some point.
  • COM-7130: Third-party integrations for Decision Manager and Kount have been updated to use the appropriate API to move orders into the Pending Shipment status (when orders have been configured to create shipments at a later time rather than immediately).
  • COM-6679: Updates have been made to old JQuery versions with known vulnerabilities to improve security.
  • CAT-3149: A new "indexpricelists" tenant attribute has been added to control whether or not pricelist changes trigger index actions, as there were incidents where mass changes to pricelists caused performance issues with indexing. This is true by default, but currently not in effect due to a blocking sprint defect.

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • File Manager Timing Out: CAT-2979 (reported by Ace Hardware)
  • File Manager Image Errors: CAT-2832
  • Duplicate Coupon Code Results: CAT-3164 (reported by Sundance)
  • Order Stuck in Paid Status: COM-6126 (reported by Fortis Life Sciences)
  • Return Penny Rounding: COM-7514 (reported by Sound United)
  • Shipments Not Displayed: FFMT-3913 (reported by Ace Hardware)
  • Order Routing Not Splitting: CHAR-4769 (reported by London Drugs)
  • Subscription Ordinal Error: COM-7664
  • Site Manager Permissions: COM-7644 (reported by Sun & Ski and Boscov's)

The following bug fixes are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • FFMT-3840: After the Fulfiller service's Sprint Boot upgrade, an error message was being returned when calling any Fulfillment APIs that wrote certain responses, due to Spring Boot no longer supporting EntityModel with scalar values. This has been fixed so that these APIs can be successfully called.