May 14, 2024 — 1.2418 Service Update


As part of ongoing enhancements to the Real-Time Inventory Service, Kibo is continuing to migrate our internal inventory endpoints.  We will be migrating the aggregate inventory internal endpoints from April 30 through May 31. No action is required, but if you have questions then please contact Kibo Support.

Production Tenant Features 


  • Cybersource Fingerprint ID: The Cybersource integration now accepts a deviceFingerprintID field as part of the fraud screen request object, which will then be passed through the authorization call and to Cybersource to provide fingerprint identification details. 

Order Routing

  • User Interface Update: The Order Routing UI has been enhanced. These changes went into effect in sandboxes on April 23 and will remain there until the 1.2416 production release on May 13. This includes removing the Reports and Routes pages from the navigation menu, the ability to create a new filter while viewing a group (now called a scenario), and other usability updates. "Groups" have been renamed to "scenarios" in all places where the term appears, but their functionality and the Order Routing APIs remain unchanged. See the updated Order Routing documentation for more details.

Transactional Logs

  • Returns TLogs Update: The Returns transactional log now includes a new returnItemTaxTotal field to indicate how much tax credit is being returned for each line item.

Production Bug Fixes

Service Resolution
Catalog When adding values for the "Brand" product property on a product, typing the name of a brand into the text field did not result in automatic results. Instead, the user had to scroll down the dropdown menu in order to find the value they wanted to add. This has been corrected so that the UI will display suggestions of available values that match what the user is typing to make entry easier.
Catalog In some cases, categories could not be assigned to products via the Quick Edit tool and resulted in an API failure despite returning a 200 OK response. This was due to product data not being retrieved if the catalog price was overridden for a standard product, but has now been corrected so that the Quick Edit tool can successfully update product categories.
Commerce When creating a new shipment on an existing order, not all expected stores were displayed in the fulfillment location drop-down list. However, those locations did appear when creating a shipment for a new order. This has been fixed so that all available location records are displayed in the location options for existing orders.
Commerce Subscription shipments that were being paid for with installment plans could not be successfully fulfilled after the first payment, when they are expected to be fulfillable even if the total amount has not yet been paid. This has been corrected so that shipments can be fulfilled while still pending future installment payments as intended.
Fulfillment If a validation error was experienced when generating a Canada Post shipping label, fixing the invalid information and re-attempting to generate the label would still result in the previous error. This has been fixed to ensure that fixing incorrect information allows a new shipping label to be generated as expected.


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Internal Production Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CHAR-5091 and CHAR-5092: As part of work being done for import file processor enhancements, a file transformer has been created to transform existing models into new models and perform validation.
  • FFMT-4273: Shipping manifests can now be created in the Fulfiller UI for generic carriers, where previously only Canada Post was supported. This is accomplished with a new carrier dropdown menu that allows the user to select which carrier they want to generate the manifest for. This is listed in the internal-only release notes since it is being limited to Honey Birdette's implementation and requires a tenant setting to be enabled. See the Jira ticket for more details.

The following bug fixes are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CAT-4751: Resolved an issue where after deploying the .NET6 version of catalogs, Google export jobs were failing.

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • Brand Property User Experience: CAT-4683 (reported by Boscov's)
  • Quick Edit Categories: CAT-4682 (reported by Marks and Spencer)
  • Missing Shipment Locations: COM-8529 (reported by The Turn Lab)
  • Fulfilling Installment Shipments: COM-8516
  • Shipping Label Validation Error: FFMT-4237 (reported by London Drugs)

Production Sandbox Features 

While some updates listed here will be going out on May 14 per the usual schedule, Multi-Locale Catalogs will be added to sandboxes later on May 21. Additional enhancements for UPS EasyPost integration and signature options were previously included here, but have been delayed to a future release.


  • Multi-Locale Catalogs (EU Sandbox Release): This feature allows you to configure catalogs that support multiple locales. You will be able to switch to any of the supported locales when viewing the product, product attribute, category, and discount configuration pages. Then you can change language-specific fields, such as product names and descriptions, to easily localize the content for that locale. For more general information, see the Multi-Locale Catalogs guide.

    If you want to use this feature on an existing implementation, then you must contact Kibo Support to be upgraded to a new version of the Catalog Admin APIs and then rewrite your requests to provide a localizedContent object. The API documentation has been updated to reflect the new request models. If you upgrade and still need to manage product data that hasn't been rewritten to the new model, you will be able to call the original version of the APIs without localization by including an x-api-version header set to "1" in your request. If you do not upgrade, then your current calls will not require any changes.

    This update is being released to sandboxes on May 21. It will only be available to European implementations at first for stability testing. Once fully released, it will be available out-of-the-box for all new implementations and existing implementations will be able to upgrade if desired.


  • Reject Shipments in Payment Error: The "Reject Shipment" button is now available for Substitution flows in alignment with existing functionality for payment errors during fulfillment. A shipment may go into payment error due to substitute's price being higher than the original product. While the fulfiller cannot proceed with actions to fulfill it, they should still have the flexibility to reject a shipment.


  • BOPIS Subscriptions: Subscriptions can now be created with pickup items (or a combination of pickup and direct ship), where previously only direct ship was supported. You can quickly switch between pickup and direct ship fulfillment when viewing the items table in the subscription details, including when updating the next order only or placing an order now. Delivery and alternate pickup contacts are not currently supported, only in-store pickup by the primary contact. 

Sandbox Bug Fixes

Service Resolution
Catalog Errors were experienced when placing large orders through the Admin UI (such as those with 30 or more items), due to database issues caused by the amount of order data. This has been fixed so that large orders can be successfully created.
CatalogSome errors were experienced when retrieving vocabulary values via API in which mapped values were missing from the response. This has been corrected so that the correct amount of values are returned.
CommerceBOPIS shipments with no inventory were incorrectly handled when inventory reservation was enabled, resulting in duplicating the item between the parent shipment and the resultant Customer Care shipment. This has been fixed so that the unavailable item is properly moved to the Customer Care shipment.
CommerceDuplicate shipments were being created due to unexpected behavior from bulk shipment creation APIs. This process has been fixed so that extra shipments are no longer created.
CommerceThe inventory allocation process could not handle cases where there was negative available inventory for reservations, resulting in erroneous allocation of the negative inventory plus the order quantity. This has been corrected.
FulfillmentWhen a return was created via API with a specific return processing fee applied, the fee was not taken into account by Fulfiller UI returns and thus the customer was refunded more than the intended amount. This has been fixed so that fulfiller returns appropriately subtract the processing fee from the total refund.
Inventory Sorting fields were not working in the real-time inventory service, resulting in a broken Inventory UI page that did not allow page sorting. This has been corrected so that real-time inventory records can be sorted as expected.


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Internal Sandbox Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CHAR-5477: The Suggestion Log API can now be used with or without a trailing slash in the endpoint, where previously a slash was required even though that was against REST standards and prevented test calls from being made through the documentation site.
  • CAT-3519: The SolrSchemaManager has been updated to .NET6.
  • CHAR-5312: Internal fulfillment calls being made to the PHP version of Get Inventory API have been switched to the new Java version of Get Inventory to utilize real-time inventory.
  • More work has been done as part of the Import File Processor project to parse CSV imports, de-duplicate inventory, and transform files to standard XML format.

The following bug fixes are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • COM-8551: Fixed an issue where the installment service was throwing null reference exceptions around payment data, as well as a related problem where jobs would hang after adding a duplicate Account ID and not logging the error.
  • FFMT-4278: Inventory allocation and deallocation was not being properly logged for non-RIC implementations, making it difficult to investigate overallocation for These logs have now been added so that allocation cleanup can occur for the client soon. 
  • CAT-4548: Some older environments were using a different Namespace ID for "tenant" than newer environments. The system will now check the second ID if it does not find the expected tenant in the first ID it looks at.

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • Errors with Large Orders: CAT-4598 (reported by French Toast)
  • Missing Vocabulary Values: CAT-4695 (reported by Specialty Commerce)
  • BOPIS Item Duplication: COM-8638 (reported by Honey Birdette)
  • Duplicate Shipments from Bulk API: COM-8625 (reported by Honey Birdette)
  • Negative Inventory Allocation: COM-8624
  • Return Processing Fee: FFMT-4311
  • RIS Inventory Sorting: CHAR-5248 (note: usually defect tickets are not reported in release notes, but this was specifically requested to be included)