August 20, 2024 — 1.2432 Service Update


Import Inventory API Migration

As part of ongoing migration of internal inventory endpoints, Kibo will be migrating the import inventory internal endpoints from July 23 to August 23. No action is required, but if you have questions, please contact Kibo Support.   

Production Tenant Features 


  • Buyers on Multiple B2B Accounts: Buyer users can now be added to multiple B2B accounts, even with different permission roles in each account. While adding a user to an account, you now have the option to either create a new user or enter the details of an existing one. Then, you can configure your headless or Kibo storefront theme to display account selection options. This allows the user to pick which of their accounts they want to access at login, as well as switch to another account at any point.


  • Delivery Solutions Integration: Kibo can now be integrated with Delivery Solutions, which provides orchestration for fulfillment needs such as last-mile delivery. If you have a business account with Delivery Solutions, you can now send your Kibo shipments to them at various points during the order creation and fulfillment flow to control when the order is dispatched.


  • Inventory UI Updates: A field to search inventory records by Product Name has been added to the Inventory UI, and changes have been made to how future inventory is displayed. Now, totals that include future inventory will be underlined and hovering over them will display a breakdown of the current and future amounts. You can either filter by a specific date limit on the homepage or expand the future inventory pop-up for a specific item and filter by all incoming dates there.

Production Bug Fixes

Service Resolution
Catalog Delisted and out-of-stock products were appearing in Google Feed files, while some live products were excluded. This has been corrected so that the Google Feed export will only include live products as expected.
Catalog After uploading an image with a space in the file name to the File Manager, a broken image would be displayed in both the UI and the browser when viewing the image URL. This has been fixed so that spaces in file names will not break images.
Commerce Images were not displayed for bundle components while viewing the shipments tab of order details. This has been fixed so that the shipments tab displays the expected image based on the image URL of the bundle component.
Commerce B2B notification emails were not being received after creating new accounts and adding users. This was due to a mismatch in site context and request headers which has been corrected so that B2B emails can be successfully sent.
Commerce Attempting to subscription data via API resulted in unexpected authorization errors for a particular implementation. This has been fixed so that these API calls can be made successfully.
Other A 500 Internal Server Error was occasionally experienced from the GET Order Item API request by Translated OMS implementations. This was due to an issue in Inventory API updates, which has now been fixed so that order item data can be retrieved more consistently.


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Internal Production Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • TECR-341: Support for bypassing Kibo Admin IP filtering has been added for email accounts.
  • CHAR-5526: Migrate Allocation Controller APIs have been updated to Kibo.Inventory.

The following bug fixes are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CHAR-5624: Six broken tests have been fixed in local and Jenkins.
  • CHAR-5059: Failing test cases for the location service have been fixed.
  • CAT-5225: The override locale code of multi-locale catalogs is no longer displayed under the Update Attributes flow of Quick Edits.
  • CHAR-5576: The deployment strategy for the inventory cron has been updated for lower environments, where intermittent failures were being experienced.
  • CAT-5105 and CAT-5228: Fixes have been made to the import/export application for multi-locale catalogs, where product images were not updating as expected on non-default locales. Product property locales can also now be updated via import/export.

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • Google Feed Products: CAT-5110 (reported by Al Futtaim Group)
  • Broken Image Files: CAT-5316 (reported by
  • Bundle Component Images: COM-8748 (reported by London Drugs)
  • B2B Notification Emails: COM-8648
  • Subscription API Errors: COM-8762 (reported by Proactiv)
  • Order Item API Error CHAR-5569 (reported by Boscov's)

Production Sandbox Features 


  • Reserve Future Inventory: Future inventory is now supported alongside reservations in the cart to allocate from upcoming inventory if there isn't enough quantity currently available at a fulfillment location. For more details about the behavior of inventory in different cases, refer to the future inventory and reservation guides.
  • PayPal Multiparty Application: A new application is now available that enables you to add PayPal's ability to accept multiple payment methods to your eCommerce payment options. If you are already using PayPal Express and want to use this new functionality, you will need to fully swap over to this new application. This also requires installation and configuration assistance from Kibo. For more details, see the PayPal Multiparty Application guide.
  • Default Return Carriers: You can now specify a default return carrier at the location group configuration level. This is useful in scenarios such as when you want to use FedEx Ground as the return carrier for shipments fulfilled by FedEx SmartPost, which you would not otherwise be able to select since these are set up as separate carriers.
  • UPS Updates: To support changes to UPS' OAuth 2.0 security model, Kibo is updating UPS carrier configurations. This requires action from any implementations using UPS or UPS SurePost.
    • Go to the UPS configurations in your sandbox and click the new Authorize button, then follow the instructions on the next window to authorize with UPS. Upon closing that window and refreshing your carrier configuration page, you should see a a successful authorization status. Next, contact Kibo Support with the time window to switch you to the new implementation. Then test UPS to ensure that it works as expected. You will have to repeat this process when this update goes to production after September 2. 
    • Going forward, UPS carrier configurations will require the account number to be set in both environments. If you use both UPS and UPS SurePost, then they must be configured as separate carrier accounts within Kibo.


  • Default Sort Options: You can now configure the Fulfiller UI's default sorting order of search results so that users can view either the most relevant, most recent, or other preferred shipments first. Previously, results were always sorted by oldest first which caused some partial matches to appear at the top instead of exact matches. While customizing your Fulfiller theme, change to searchShipmentSortBy tenant setting to orderFirst, orderLast, newest, oldest, highestCost, or lowestCost.

Sandbox Bug Fixes

Service Resolution
CatalogAfter recent optimizations to the response time, searching for image files in the File Manager did not return files older than 5 years. This has been fixed so that older files can still be returned as search results.
Commerce The total count of orders with discounts displayed in Reporting did not match up with the transaction metrics for that specific discount. This was due to an issue with redeeming discounts for coupon codes that were added to orders even if they weren't applied to any items. This process has been updated so that codes are redeemed appropriately and the metrics are more accurate.
FulfillerTracking numbers were unable to be manually entered for "Other" carriers as expected, since the system was expecting a carrier name to be specified first. This has been corrected so that tracking numbers can be successfully entered for that carrier type.
Subscriptions After adding both a one-time purchase and a subscription for the same product to the cart, the product price was being overwritten so that both line items reflected the subscription price. This has been fixed so that the cart more accurately updates different line items for the same product and reflects the correct one-time versus subscription pricing.


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Internal Sandbox Details

Find more information about the client-facing updates at these Jira tickets:

The following enhancements are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CHAR-5534 and CHAR-5535: The legacy Get Order Item Information API has been copied to the KCCP Inventory APIs with full functionality, as well as the Get Order Item Log endpoint.
  • CAT-5340: The locale code has been added to the search indexer message context in order to improve logging and troubleshoot indexing errors.
  • FFMT-4438 and FFMT-4439: The carrier name is now passed on to the package class from the shipment data and the Fulfiller UI.

The following bug fixes are internal-only and not exposed to clients:

  • CHAR-5660: Fixed an issue where Order Routing was taking 10 minutes to reconnect to redis after rolling restart. 
  • COM-8621: Updated some application keys that were still hitting PHP Get Inventory instead of RIS.
  • CHAR-5571: Some work has been done to fix serialization errors on the includeZeroInventory field in Inventory APIs. This is part of a REEDS Jewelers bug report about creating pick waves for locations with zero inventory, but that functionality is not currently supported because this field is not passed by the Fulfillment UI. Thus, this use case will not work until it is evaluated for a future enhancement. 

Find more information about the client-facing bug fixes at these Jira tickets:

  • Search for Older Images: CAT-5386 (reported by Jelly Belly)
  • "Other" Carrier Types: FFMT-4495 (reported by London Drugs)
  • Order Discount Mismatch: COM-8710 (reported by Ace Hardware)
  • Subscription Pricing in Cart: COM-8816 (reported by Jelly Belly)