Checkout Groupings (After)

This action occurs when groupings need to be re evaluated after a shopper moves to the checkout page. This can happen when: going to the checkout page for the first time, refreshing checkout from the cart, setting/updating item destinations, changing applied discounts, selecting a shipping method from a ship group, or when applying a buy one get one (BOGO) discount. Changes made to checkout items in this action do not persist in Kibo.

Action TypeEmbedded
Full Action IDembedded.commerce.carts.addItem.after
Runs multiple custom functions?No

JavaScript File Structure

Action files share the following basic structure:

module.exports = function(context, callback) {
    // Your custom code here

When you code the custom function for an action, you have access to two arguments:

callback—This argument follows the established JavaScript callback pattern: it takes an error as the first argument (or null if there is no error) and a result as the second argument (if required).

context—This argument provides the function access to relevant objects and methods that interface with Kibo.

Context: CheckoutGroupingsContext

The following methods and objects are available to this action through the use of the context argument.

Get Methods

Exec Methods

Context Objects Available to All Actions



Obtains a response that includes information about the current cart.





For information about the properties in the response, refer to the REST API Help.