Spell Correction

The Spell Correction features within search configurations improve the possibility of matches in search results when a search term is misspelled or doesn't exactly match a term in the product catalog. They can be used independently or combined. 

Spell Correction must be enabled in the Search Schema Editor before it can be toggled on within Search Configurations.

Screenshot of the Spell Correction portion of the Site Search settings

No Spell Correction

In this example, the misspelling "shiirt" is entered as a search query. Since neither Auto Correct nor Did You Mean are enabled, no search results are available. 

Screenshot of search listings for the term

Auto Correct

Enabling this feature ensures that if there are no results for a given search after minimum match retries, the query will automatically switch to the corrected search term. 

In this example, the misspelling of "shiirt" is automatically corrected to "shirts" and results are shown for the corrected term.

Screenshot of search results for the term

Did You Mean

Enabling this feature ensures that if there are more results for an alternate query than the submitted term's query, the results page offers the alternate query as a suggested link. 

In this example, the misspelling of "shiirt" has no results, so the suggested term with the next highest number of results, "shirts," is shown.

Screenshot of search listings with no result for

Once the link is clicked, results are shown as normal.

Screenshot of a search listing for the term

Combining Spell Correction Features

In this example, the misspelling of "shiirt" is automatically corrected to "shirts" with those results shown. However, since there are results for another similarly spelled term, "shorts," that is also shown as a suggested term with a link to those results.

Screenshot of search results for the term