Product Category Details View

The Product Category Details view allows you to connect products with their category hierarchies.

The measures calculated by this view are:

NameMeasure TypeDescription
Product Category Details CountCountThe count of all product category details records.

The dimensions included in this view are:

NameData TypeDescription
Catalog IDNumberUnique identifier for the product catalog to which the product category belongs.
Category ID Level 0NumberUnique identifier for the product category to which the product directly belongs.
Category ID Level 1NumberUnique identifier for the product category one level higher than the category to which the product directly belongs.
Category ID Level 2NumberUnique identifier for the product category two levels higher than the category to which the product directly belongs.
Category ID Level 3NumberUnique identifier for the product category three levels higher than the category to which the product directly belongs.
Category ID Level 4NumberUnique identifier for the product category four levels higher than the category to which the product directly belongs.
Category ID Level 5NumberUnique identifier for the product category five levels higher than the category to which the product directly belongs.
Category ID Level 6NumberUnique identifier for the product category six levels higher than the category to which the product directly belongs.
Category ID Level 7NumberUnique identifier for the product category seven levels higher than the category to which the product directly belongs.
Category NameStringThe user supplied name for the product category.
Product Category Created DateDatetimeThe timestamp of the date and time the product category was created.
Product Category Updated DateDatetimeThe timestamp of the date and time the product category was most recently updated.
Product CodeStringThe unique user-defined identifier for a product.
Product IDNumberInternal unique identifier of the product.
Product NameStringThe user supplied name of the product.