Price Lists API Overview

This topic provides an overview of the price list REST API components.

Price lists allow you to override the catalog pricing of products for specific customer segments and/or sites. You can override a product's list price, sale price, and other advanced pricing information such as MSRP, cost, and MAP in a price list. You can also restrict discounts from applying to the overridden product pricing in a price list.

Price lists are associated with a master catalog so any products that exist in the same master catalog can be included in the price list.

Refer to Price Lists in the Guides section for more information about price lists, including inheritance, exclusivity, resolution, and default price lists.

Price List Resource

You can interact with price lists and perform price list operations using the price lists resource: commerce/catalog/admin/pricelists.

Price List Operations

You can perform the following operations on the price lists resource:

Entry Sub-Resource

A price list also contains product entries, which you can interact with and perform entry operations using the entries sub-resource: commerce/catalog/admin/pricelists/entries.

Entry Operations

You can perform the following operations on the entries sub-resource:

As well as bulk versions of AddPriceListEntries, UpdatePriceListEntries, and DeletePriceListEntries.