Email Settings

In System > Settings > General, there are several emails can be toggled on and off for B2B.

  • Welcome: Shared with non-B2B shoppers, this email is sent when an account is created and approved.
  • Set/Reset Password: Shared with non-B2B shoppers, this email is also triggered on account creation and approval.
  • Quote Ready For Checkout: Sent when a quote has been approved by the seller and is ready for the buyer to turn into an order. See the Quotes guide for more information.
  • Account Denied: Sent when a B2B account request is denied by an administrator.
  • Account Inactive: Sent when a B2B account is deactivated.
  • Account Requested: A confirmation email that is sent when a B2B account is requested.
  • Quote In Review: A notification that the seller should now be reviewing the quote that the buyer submitted.
  • Quote Expired: A notification that a quote has reached its expiration date and can no longer be edited or purchased.

The B2B email toggles in the site settings