Close a Return

Close a return by canceling or rejecting it:

  1. Go to Main > Orders > Returns.
  2. Click the return you want to cancel or reject.
  3. In the Items tab, click the Close drop-down menu.
  4. Choose to Cancel or Reject the return.The Close return action with a callout for the Cancel and Reject options

Cancelled Return Limitations

After a return has been cancelled, you will be unable to perform the following actions on it:

  • Receive Package
  • Print Return Label
  • Resend Email
  • Refund to New Gift Card

Rejected Item Quantity

Note that when a return is rejected, those items are no longer considered "returnable" on the order. Where the Returns tab of order details lists item quantities, items will be moved from the Qty Returnable column to the Qty Rejected column after a return is rejected. This means that a new return will not be able to be made for that quantity.

The returnable items table of order details, with a callout for the rejected and returnable quantities