Auto-Add Free Product Discount

The Auto-Add Free Product Discount feature enables you to set free products to be automatically added to a shopper’s cart if they meet certain criteria, instead of requiring that shopper to go and search for the product when they become eligible for it.

Use Cases

Auto-Add Gift Card

You create a discount in which the condition is product A and the target is a $25 gift card. You select the auto-add free product discount type in the Discounts page. The gift card is automatically added to the end consumer's cart when they add Product A to their cart.

Multiple Auto-Add Discounts Applying to Same Target Product

You create two discounts:

  1. Buy Product A, get Product B for free
  2. Buy Product A, get Product C for free


  1. Adds Product A (quantity 1) to their cart. The system determines which free product is the better deal to the consumer and adds it to the cart as part of the winning discount. If Product B and C are considered the same value, the system uses the first discount run and adds that target product to the cart.
  2. Adds two copies of Product A to their cart and one of your discounts has a max redemption of 1 set. If the better deal is the discount with the max redemption, both discounts can be applied, giving the shopper both Product B and C for free. If the better deal is not the discount with the max redemption, then the shopper will receive the same target product with each copy of Product A.
  3. Adds two copies of Product A to their cart and both of your discounts have a max redemption of 1 set. The shopper receives both Product B and C.

Effect on Discounts

Auto-Add Discount Competing with Other Line Item Discounts

When applying an auto-add discount and a line item product discount to the same target product, the system selects the discount that provides the best deal for the shopper after the free product is added to the cart. If the system does not choose the auto-add discount, the free product returns to full price, remains in the cart, and must be removed by the shopper.

Auto-Add Free Products without Setting a Condition

Discounts with or without coupon codes must have any other product in cart before the free product is auto-added to cart. For example, if the shopper has a coupon code for a free product but no items currently in their cart, the shopper must add an item first, and then enter the coupon code to receive the free product.

Removing and Re-Adding Free Products from Cart

If the shopper removes the free target item from cart, the item will no longer be auto-added. However, if the shopper manually re adds the free target item manually, they will again see the item as free.

Enable the Auto-Add Free Product Discounts Feature

This feature requires changes to your core theme. Ask your theme developer to make the required changes to your theme to enable this feature, as detailed in the following GitHub pull requests:

Set Up Auto-Add Target Discounts

To set up a discount to auto-add free products:

  1. Go to Marketing > Discounts in Admin.
  2. Select either an existing discount or Create Discount.
  3. Set the Applies To field to Line Item and the Affects field to Product. This enables you to view the Auto Add Free Product option in the Type field.
  4. Set the Type field to Auto Add Free Product.