Attribute Localization

If you have created an international catalog, a Localization section will appear in the System menu. This section includes several pages where you set localized values for product attributes in different languages and currencies. 

Localization Pages

These pages allow you to localize values at the master and child catalog levels. However, you are not able to create new attributes or edit their other configurations from these pages.

  • Attributes: Translate the name of each attribute at the master catalog level.
  • Attribute Values: Translate each individual value of every attribute at the master catalog level, e.g. all color possibilities for the attribute tenant~color.
  • Product Properties: Translate product property text at the child catalog level.
  • Product Extras: Translate product pricing extras at the child catalog level, allowing you to set prices for different currencies.
  • Product Variants: Translate product variation pricing at the child catalog level, allowing you to set prices for different currencies.

The Unified Commerce navigation menu with a Localization tab

On each page, you can expand the drop-down menu in the top right corner of the table to customize which columns are displayed. You can also click any column header to sort by the values in that column.

Close-up of the drop-down menu of column toggles on an attribute table

Attributes and Attribute Values

The Attribute page only controls the name of the attribute itself, not the possible values. Make sure you select the correct master catalog from the options above the table.

The Attribute Localization Grid

The Attribute Values page is where you localize the individual values of those attributes. Again, make sure you select the correct master catalog.

The Attribute Values Localization Grid

Product Properties

In this page, you localize product property text at the child catalog level. Make sure you have selected the correct master catalog from the options above the table. You will be able to switch between the child catalogs of this master catalog as needed for translation.

If you switch to a non-English locale, an additional column for that language will appear in addition to the en-US configuration. This allows you to reference the English text while translating.

The Product Properties Localization Grid

Product Extras and Variants

The Product Extras and Product Variation Pricing pages are similar to the Product Properties page. They both require you to select a master catalog and allow you to switch between child catalogs for different locales. Here, you localize the pricing options based on currency.

In this Product Extras Pricing page, switching between the English and French catalogs would allow you to set different prices for USD and EUR, which overrides the master catalog pricing (which is in USD by default and displayed for reference).

The Product Variation Pricing Grid

The Product Variation Pricing page includes more editable fields to support product variants including MSRP, Extra Price, and Extra Credit Price. 

The Product Variation Pricing Grid