April 20, 2021 — 1.2114 Service Update

Production Tenant Features

eCommerce and Order Management Functionality

  • Custom Order/Item Data in UI: Custom order and order item data is now displayed in the Order Admin UI alongside the standard order data, allowing for admins and customer service representatives to add, edit, and delete custom data values. Note that custom data is configured in key:value string format and is passed to the shipments that are generated upon initial order creation. If you wish to edit custom data after the fact then it must be done on a per-shipment basis. This means that you should update the custom item data on each shipment within the order because a change will not be applied across the board. See the Order Admin guide for more instructions on how to view and edit custom data in the UI.
  • Bin Inventory Call Updates: Support for the Inventory Bin API calls …/v1/bin/loadInventory and …/vi/bin/searchInventory has been updated, allowing users familiar with these calls from the previous version of OMS to make these requests in KCCP. This includes support for tagged and non-tagged inventory.
  • OMS-Only Discount Totals: The discounted total displayed in the order totals information of the Order Admin UI will now display the discounted subtotal for OMS-only clients instead. This more closely matches behavior from the previous version of OMS, as discounts for OMS-only clients are calculated in their separate commerce system before the order is imported into KCCP.

Translated OMS Functionality

  • Assign Order API: The Assign Order API is now fully supported by the translated Order Management APIs for upgraded clients, allowing users from the previous version of OMS to continue using their existing requests to make calls to the KCCP endpoint. 
  • Assign Shipment API Updates: The Shipment Assign API (…/shipment/action/assign) can now accept shipment statuses of SHIPPED and CANCELLED with different behavior to better reflect functionality in the previous version of OMS. Assigning a shipment in KCCP creates a new shipment ID, where the previous version of OMS only creates a new shipment when splitting an existing one. To address this discrepancy:
    When assigning a shipment with the SHIPPED status and it is a partial assignment case, the item assignment values will be split into a new shipment and the new child shipment will be fulfilled. In a full assignment case, the given shipment is fulfilled and there is no new shipment created.

    When assigning a shipment with CANCELLED status, the item assignment values are split into a new shipment and the new child shipment will be cancelled while a cancel shipment notification is triggered. This matches OMS functionality where canceled items are not tracked on the same shipment as items that are ready to be fulfilled.

Production Sandbox Features

Personalized Search Functionality

  • Search Campaigns: This new functionality within Search Settings allows merchandisers to create and schedule boost/bury expressions, as well as specify the search terms that trigger those expressions. For more information, see the Campaigns documentation.
  • Search Redirects: This new feature within Search Settings allows merchandisers to redirect a user to a specific URL based on specific search terms. Search Redirects applies to Site Search only. The user will be redirected to the new URL when they press Enter or click the search button after typing in a search term. For more information, see the Search Redirects documentation.
  • Typo Tolerance: This new feature within Search Settings uses fuzzy matching/fuzziness to loosen the requirements for a match. As an example, a search for a misspelled term such as aple with no fuzzy matching will only match the same misspelling. With fuzziness enabled, however, aple can match apple with an edit distance of 1. For more information, see the Typo Tolerance section of the Search Settings documentation.
  • Whitespace: This new feature within Search Settings adjusts the search query to sort and match multi-term entries correctly. The degree to which the score is adjusted to sort exact vs multi-field matches is the cross field factor. Any number between 0 and 1 may be entered, up to two decimal places. For more information, see the Whitespace section of the Search Settings documentation.

Fulfiller Functionality

  • Inventory Locator Name in UI: The inventory locator name field that can be set through the Inventory Refresh API is now displayed in the Fulfiller UI. This data is displayed as a new “Location Name” column in the pick wave view, indicating where each shipment item in the wave is located so that the fulfiller can easily find it (such as Aisle 15). See the Pick Waves & Packing Slips documentation for more information. There is also a new column for the Bin that further identifies the item’s location. The locator name and bin fields are also now exposed in printable pack templates, allowing implementations that use this data to include it in pack wave sheets and packing slips.
  • Returns FFUI Customization: The Returns management views of the Fulfiller UI can now be customized in the theme. Client developers can upload their own CSS and localization (en/fr.json) files on the Fulfiller theme to override the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform default styling on pages for creating and processing returns. This allows the FFUI to be more thoroughly customized to match the client’s preferred styling or localization. Documentation for this feature is in progress and will be published alongside the production release.

Translated OMS Functionality

  • Bin Inventory API: Additional endpoints have been added to the translated Inventory API requests for upgraded clients, allowing them to make inventory bin calls to the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform while using their existing request bodies from the previous version of OMS. These are the Search Bin Inventory (…/kibo-api-transform/v1/bin/searchInventory) and Load Bin Inventory (…/kibo-api-transform/v1/bin/loadInventory) calls, used to retrieve and create inventory bins as well as add inventory to them.

Bug Fixes

The following list summarizes resolved issues for this release.

Targeted for Production TenantsWhen a handling override amount was set, there would be a mismatch in the Admin interface between the balance listed in the order summary (at the top corner of the order view) and the order total in the order details tab. This was due to the order summary not taking the handling amount into account when calculating the payment balance, and has been corrected so that it displays the accurate total.
Targeted for Production TenantsVariant attribute data was displayed on the product details page, but not available in product data from the cart or checkout page. This has been corrected by adding the product’s variant property information to the cart and checkout data payloads to be displayed on the appropriate pages.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe “Express Shipping” filter attribute in Order Routing was not properly excluding groups and the associated isExpress parameter was not shown in the Suggestion Log API call, making troubleshooting difficult. This caused locations to be assigned to when they should have been excluded. This routing process has been updated to properly filter out locations based on whether they support express shipping and indicate that data in the logs.
Targeted for Production TenantsShipment details were often not loading on Zebra scanners or other mobile devices such as phones when using the Fulfiller UI, while the discount and line item subtotals were not being shown at all. Enhancements have been made to improve the loading time and display all of the shipment information on mobile devices.
Targeted for Production TenantsMaking a translated Create Order API call with a PayPal payment resulted in an API Transformation Error. This has been updated so that the auto capture process will handle these payments as usual.
Targeted for Production TenantsThe translated Create Order API did not accept payments with a “V1” card issuer field even though it was a valid payment type for the particular implementation of the Kibo Composable Commerce Platform, and transaction logs did not display the correct card issuers or subtype data. This has been fixed so that the V1 payment type can be successfully used in order creation and transaction logs are accurate.
Targeted for Production SandboxesSite settings were not publishing the general settings or checkout settings events as quickly as other caches were refreshed, causing unexpected delays in accessing new Site Builder templates or new category settings. This has been corrected to improve the wait time and more efficiently publish settings events.
Targeted for Production SandboxesMaking a GET call to the translated Customer API at /api/v2/customer resulted in a 404 error, and filtering by a search for an email parameter also returned an error as the translated URL encoding altered the email address. These issues have been fixed so that the translated Customer API can be reached at that endpoint and searches can be performed with the desired customer email.
Targeted for Production SandboxesA particular implementation experienced parent orders that remained in the Waiting for Transfer step after their child transfers were cancelled. This has been corrected with an update to the FFUI that replaces the Cancel Shipment button on transfer shipments with the options to request a new transfer or cancel items during stock validation. If all items are canceled off of the shipment, then the parent shipment will go into Customer Care.
Targeted for Production SandboxesFiltering the GET responses from translated Order and Shipment APIs by shipDateStart and shipDateEnd resulted in a 400 Bad Request error instead of search results. This has been fixed so that the translated APIs can be properly filtered for orders and shipments based on either of those fulfillment dates.
Targeted for Production SandboxesWhen selecting a return location while processing a return in the FFUI, not all available stores were listed as expected. This has been fixed so that all stores that accept returns are listed as return location options.
Targeted for Production SandboxesA particular implementation’s Avalara application was no longer taxing B2B customer properly, as their previous automatic function to connect customers to their proper tax status was no longer using accurate information due to incorrect entity codes. Updates have been made to the application to better handle these codes and account for cases where they are not set on the customer account, allowing the Avalara application to more accurately determine tax again.
Targeted for Production SandboxesA particular implementation was experiencing that the Password Reset email was not bring sent to B2B accounts on their Canadian site while the email was working properly from US sites. This was due to a conflict with the Site ID and API context for B2B accounts on that site. The back-end process of creating B2B accounts has been updated so that API contexts will be more accurately set, allowing for Password Reset emails to be sent successfully.
Targeted for Production SandboxesA particular implementation’s site-wide discounts were not appearing on the storefront pages in production, though they were applied in the cart. The discounts have been fixed for this implementation so that their promotion is reflected on all of the appropriate pages.
Targeted for Production SandboxesThere were some inconsistencies with the webpage names and product categories in a particular configuration’s site, affecting the SEO and navigation of the pages that did not have the expected URLs. Breadcrumbs were not accurate on the product detail page and redirects did not work where expected. Updates have been made to ensure that URLs are now correctly used and the breadcrumb and redirect features work properly.